The 5 Best Movie-Related Channels on YouTube [VIDEOS

YouTubes Geek Week Focuses on the Enthusiasts For Fan Friday

What the Internet Cares About (Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, and on and on and on)

Twitter has become the most popular avenue to share photos and updates, your location and most importantly, your thoughts sane or insane. Today…

When You Work At A Nonprofit Tumblr Perfectly Illustrates The Overworked, Underpaid Workplace

Since were right smack dab in the middle of the summer movie season and its a lazy sort of Friday, we decided wed rather be at the movies today. But since we cant be at the movies,NMRfigures that the next best thing is to be on sites that report on the movies. We have a strange sort of logic in that regard. And since were already on sites that talk about filmmaking in all its forms, we might as well bring you a sweet list of the very best of whats out there inYouTubemovie sites. Here are the five best sites dealing with moviedom on YouTube. And guess what? If you disagree, well then, thats just, like, your opinion, man. LEBOWSKI!!!!!!

Driving traffic to your YouTube Channel is probably one of the most common questions among aspiring YouTube artists. Of course, producing engaging con…

The 5 Best Movie-Related Channels on YouTube [VIDEOS]

NewMediaRockstars is an online publication whose mission is to empower, inspire and promote the independent new media community.

This is a little bit of a cheat as Expert Village is not expressly a movie site but rather a collective of user-generated how-tos that offer comprehensive advice in a wide range of topics but one of those topics is making movies, and they delve into a broad spectrum of moviemaking advice for you DIY types. Everything is covered in their array of videos from writing a script to storyboarding to casting and setting up shots. Also they offer editing tutorials as well as industry program tutorials and special effects tricks. If you cant make a Hollywood-quality film after watching every tip on Expert Village, well then at least we know the problem lies within you.

Who are you and what do you do? My name is Phil Pallen and I make a living on the Internet. I design brands and manage social media for h…

Marvel (Captain America: Civil War More)

Brought to us by The Young Turks network, What the Flick is one of the more tolerable online movie review channels. Mostly, I cant stand watching movie reviewers because they offer an unlikable glimpse into a personality type that I share: the smarmy, condescending, elitist prick who never creates content, yet feels sufficiently qualified to judge others content. As such, most of the time, watching movie reviewers pontificate is like looking into the portrait of Dorian Gray. Yet this pleasant roundtable of affable adults is very Young Turks-like in their delivery, and since I like the Young Turks, I like What the Flick?! Simple as that.

DC (Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, More)

Social Media is a growing medium and many businesses are looking to integrate it into their marketing plans. Being a former social media consultant fo…

We tweet to inform and engage in short, sweet conversations with other Twitter users. Many times, in order to stay under the 160-word limit or sim…

Love CineFix, but not too hot on the rest. Have you seen Flix Raiders youtube channel? Quickly becoming one of my new favs. Looks like they specialize in streaming movie reviews for Netflix etc.

HISHE, chris stuckmann, yourmoviesucksdotorg, screenjunkies, honest trailers SO MANY CHANNELS THAT ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

Yes, this is likely some jointly-funded site run by a consortium of big Hollywood studios, but not only can you watch ALL the trailers for MOST of the movies coming soon, but they also give you sweet behind-the-scenes content, interesting analysis of films, box office numbers and fun numbers breakdowns like this one detailing how much it would actually cost to be your own Batman. Turns out its not unaffordable at $79 million. But as far as movie sites go, this one has a little bit of everything its like the Walmart of YouTube movie sites.

thats are the best movie review chanels??? you must be kidding

Phil Pallen is a Social Media Designer based in Los Angeles, designing and managing brands for celebrity and high-profile clients throughout North Ame…

The 5 Best Movie-Related Channels on YouTube [VIDEOS


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