Say WordJonathan Brandis committed suicide two weeks ago??

Say WordJonathan Brandis committed suicide two weeks ago??

Dukes Of Hazard Reunion T.V. Movie 12/496 Photo Double Buzz

The Late Shift Movie 8/23/95 Young Studio Executive

a film crew person and I arrived to be handed my wardrobe: a pair

Real Ghosts T.V. 4/19-20/95 Frat Guy

– hehhehe I have had a few really good breaks the past 2 years…

UW Update- Producer, writer, and host University of Washington Television

awesome- they let me take time off for auditions, etc… and when I get

I didnt know until I saw the movie that Mike Myers teeth were

The Straw Lead Malibu Theater By The Sea/Rick Johnson

I was the suitor of the plays

the scene- but nobody could hear me- so for two days we shot it and

then I went go see it and they had cut me out and re-shot the whole

not for real! Thank god the final cut had me blurry on the bed in the

– I never saw it… I have no idea if I made it into the final cut or not… over the years Ive done over a hundred T.V. shows and movies and strangely enough I havent seen a lot of them…

I got to fight Al Pacino (Richard III) and he slayed me. He

Three Wishes Movie 12/6-12/94 Townsfolk

, in forum:General Discussion archive 2017 (read-only)

… yes I played a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT in a commercial spot for the Partnership For A

I was just an extra but because it was a Saturday shoot it was $600!! And I may get

I was a restaurant patron at a real upscale-swanky place in downtown L.A. and at he next

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jonathan Brandis, who from an early age appeared in a string of roles on television, commercials and film, including the starring role in 1991s The Neverending Story 2: The Next Chapter and two seasons on Steven Spielbergs SeaQuest DSV, has died. He was 27.

Car Wax Infomercial Commercial 12/29/94 Audience

long lines like ours… It was hysterical in that we were all bundled up in heavy

I thought he was pretty good in ladybugs…what a shame. he was so young too.

This was funny. I was in a clear tube silent chamber and the gag

coatys, hats, gloves, boots, etc. and it was a balmy sunny day in L.A. outside the

Matt Dillon was in this. I had met him on location on the set of Singles filmed on the

Never actually worked the whole time. Never used us due to bad

Babylon 5 T.V. 8/4/95 Drazi/Tough Space Guy

Picket Fences T.V. 8/10/94 Townsfolk

starts staring at her- the result of her COKE ADDICTION…

Miller Lite Commercial 9/26-27/94 Football Fan

Twilight Of The Gold Movie 4/3/96 Theatre Goer

Jonathan Brandis (the star) and I both had dated the same girl (Jennifer D). He dated her

Mulholland Falls Movie 4/12/95 Waiter

Forget Paris Movie 10/25/94 Basketball Fan

To be honest, I think your resemblance to Michael Rappaport is killing your chances of making the final cut. Have you seen the mug on that cat?

I played an Italian lawyer in New York City married to a Jewsih woman. This dramedy had

Othello Supporting Malibu Summerstage/ John Marzilli

basketball (High School and Adult Rec League), wrestling (High

screaming out to dump it- with papers flying everywhere and total pandemonium… we did

General Discussion archive 2003 (read-only)

, in forum:Tour archive (read-only)

Acting work they let me do it no problems!

I was in Hamlet on stage at the time so I wore my wardrobe-

gets a bloody nose from her secret little COKE habit during Algebra

thing without it The dailies were funny!

Livers Aint Cheap Movie 6/23/95 Hospital Guy

My first principal role in a commercial with Residuals$

Life and Limb Lead UCLA Grad Film/ Lisa Wiegand

Renault Commercial 5/16/96 Bank Patron

Melrose Place T.V. 8/15/94 Design Employee

10,000 extras for this scene where Billy Crystal kisses Debra Winger in front of the

I was hard-boiled Detective Jack Irons in this 50s Noir spoof.

The coroner performed an autopsy but the cause of death will not be announced until the results of blood and toxicology tests are returned. The investigation could take as long as four to six weeks.

first from me that I indeed was playing a homosexual thespian- but

winning touchdown reception on 4th down and 46 yards to go with no time left on the clock

featuring me- so if they are used then it could be a big payday ;^)

ahhhh… high school… its like I never left…

Models Inc. T.V. 7/6/94 Night Clubber

Another play within a play as a young Actor

for the rest of the day he folowed me around the set and asked me all about her. He was

Models Inc. T.V. 6/21/98 Airport Customer

Sunchaser Movie 7/14/95 Hospital Guy

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Brady Bunch Movie Movie 7/13-18/94 High School Student

Drug Free America… I am 33 years old. And yes, I had even experimented with drugs in my

line with packages at the Post Office and generally pissed off at the long wait with a

Psychology, University of Washington.

Diet Dr. Pepper Commercial 5/26-28/95 Runner

heroes and find them to be jerks. Other actor friends have met him and say hes a great

right: Seahawks wide reciever Darrel Jackson extends his arms for a spectacular game-

I was to play a mailman,but they cnacelled the whole scene.

Denver presale password – anybody pleeeeeeease

Outbreak Movie 9/28-29/94 Air Force Pilot

Lots of smaller bit parts. Watched and learned from the veteran Actors.

youre and Actor? What restaurant are you waiting tables at?

Melrose Place T.V. 7/29-8/1/94 Design Employee

Coke Commercial 11/28-29/95 Pole Vaulter

Sunchaser Movie 7/31/95 Highway Patrolman

Brandis also starred as crew member Lucas Wolenczek in the underwater sci-fi series SeaQuest DSV, a role that garnered him a Young Artists Award in 1993 and helped turn him into a teen idol.

Sapparo Beer Commercial 2/97 Beach Bum

time. They made me feel like a star. They never sent me the check

technique and on the set they all thought I was someone they saw in

Lois and Clark T.V. 8/25/95 Attendant

The irony in this was that I played a photographer that day- then

I thought I would get my first line from this movie but it got cut.

basically one days work on a commercial can be as much as a years salary

were about 50 of us in the American Stock Echange set and they did shoot some angles

Met Brendan Fraser, a fellow Northwest Native and he was very nostalgic about the old

They put sparkly stuff all over my face and wardrobe was a white robe with more sparkles.

red carpet with the real paparazzi taking my picture- of course they

middle: The brand-new new $430 million dollar Seahawks Stadium

Made a lot of money to hold a pole for a couple days. I had called my

Starship Troopers Movie 8/22/96 Space Marine

Murder By Night Lead Necksnap Films/ Ted Ng

Grace of My Heart Movie 5/5/95 Beach Bum

Brothers Keeper T.V. Movie 6/22-24/94 Town Person

below that: two football pass plays Id like the Seattle Seahawks to run this year on

Virtual Reality T.V. 11/9-11/94 Airport Policeman

Talk to anyone from any of this stuff still????

From I Do to I DONT! Lead Lion Star Thetare/Ben Mathews

Whats the most you made doing this stuff(not to be nosey)????.

Deep Space 9 T.V. 2/9-12/96 Rebel Flight Crew

, in forum:General Discussion archive 2017 (read-only)

Later they used my arm to double for Jay Lenos as I arm-wrestled

Melrose Place T.V. 7/12/94 Hospital Intern

Ave (University Way) in Seattle when I was attending the University of Washington in

friend, a pole vaulter in college, the night before for the

the Oakland Raiders 42-37 in the best game ever played in the history of pro sports

front of a bunch of people brought here and paid to provoke them

Budweiser Commercial 2/28/96 Bar Guy

Sweet Mouthful Movie 10/27/95 I dont remember

I met my boyhood heroes, Bo and Luke Duke (Toma Wopat and John Schneider) A very cool day

Models Inc. T.V. 7/27/94 Night Clubber

Beverly Hills, 90210 T.V. 4/25/94 Theatre Goer

That was a fun one. Lots of girls to bang the tennis balls around with at a cool country

Drama University of Washington Drama

Thomas Calabro is one hell of a funny guy in person.

about 20 of us on the set… Its supposed to be Winter Holiday Season and we are all in

I played a man who lost his left arm in WWI who is visited by his late wifes ghost

Looking For Richard Movie 4/95 Soldier

, in forum:General Discussion archive 2017 (read-only)

AMEX Commercial 8/17/02 Stock Broker

the scene. My mother was the first person I called to let her know

It was set in a brokerage firm – and we all watch an update on a stock that plummets-

It will run seasonally at X-Mas time for the next few years (hopefully) … there were

Models, Inc. T.V. 5/23/94 Bar Patron

General Discussion 1999-2009 archive (read-only)

Played frisbee way out in the desert.

Hamlet Supporting Malibu Theater/ Terry Tamminen

Burkes Law T.V. 6/28-29/98 Tennis Player

the URL to one of the mindless boredom-inspired scribblings I did at my desk:

they were definitely together. Damn.

Way before Jerry Springers time: brought in three cross-dressers in

David Lettermans double for a publicity shot.

over the years Ive done over a hundred T.V. shows and movies and

I was a young Actor looking to his elders in this play within a play.

background. And it WAS just a movie-of-the week: no real smut going

Lois and Clark T.V. 9/1-5/95 Attendant

90. He was way too busy to chat then and thus I had no interest in talking with him this

horrid jingle jangle holiday tune blaring in the background… Im guessing that the Ad

– well not really a ton when you are an extra- about $100 a day… so I

Birthday Lead Cal Arts Film/Natasa Prosenc

Most sports including football (High School Captain and Semi-Pro),

A small whale went by us as we lay out on the beach. Another surfer

strangely enough I havent seen a lot of them…

complete with tights. I also got my 1st SAG Union Voucher on this. (3 are needed to join)

General Discussion archive 2003 (read-only)

L+M Cigarettes Commercial 4/7/95 Bar Dude

Weight Watchers Infomercial Commercial 3/30/95 Surfer

When you are making a measly $40 a day that extra $5 helps a LOT.

at the office… those are good gigs

Re: Not making the final cut?? Gee…I wonder why…

I heard hes still a genuinely real cool guy.

in Santa Clarita- about 50 miles outside the L.A. zone) but the check didnt have it.

directing, writing and producing (stage and film). BA Communications/

Wasnt he a wigger in that movie zebrahead???? Thats someone id want to be compared to. No offense jay,but a guy who goes around imitating a fuckin black person& trying to be something hes not, is not someone id want to be compared with. He does that in real life though.

Buddy Movie 10/23-24/96 Theatre Goer

I was featured in this- and I might have gotten bumped up to residuals if this had aired.

Miller Lite Ice Commercial 1/24/95 Mosher

Keri Cosmetics Commercial 4/97 Paparazzi

You mustve made quite a bit of wompom off all this????

I was actually considered as a stand-in for Ethan Hawke for this. But I was too tall and

I was annoyed after they promised us they would pay extra for gas mileage (it was filmed

Here is the list of all the extra work I did.

I had several roles: pizza delivery guy, limo driver, comic relief type parts.

below that: a play designed for running back Sean Alexander to bust off tackle for a huge

They had us look up at the camera as if it was a SPACE SHIP flying

– oh yes… I have made many friends on the sets over the years that I

Freaky Friday T.V. Movie 9/13/94 Diner

upgraded to Principal with Residual$ if I am recognizable in the final cut. There

Models Inc. T.V. 10/5/94 Photographers Assistant

below that, left: A rough sketch of the Hacienda- the circular night club from the

Unlikely Angels T.V. Movie 10/22/96 Angel

light-haired. Uma Thurman introduced herskef to me at the interview. What a BABE. That

This is the one I get the most attention from. I sat next to Robert

and I chased after it. I dont know why What were we gonna do if we

man youve done some cool shit.

Say Word…Jonathan Brandis committed suicide two weeks ago??

I was paired with a stunning woman named Jane that I dated off and one for a few years.

This was my first time on a T.V. set. Weird seeing all of the cast in

Dream A Song For Sam Lead Laughing Horse Productions

table the two stars were seated- negotiating a salary over their phones. A fun day of

Shakespeare Workshops/Lynne Redgrave Malibu Summerstage/ A Night of Shakespeare

School), baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, surfing, snow skiing,

Morrissey says Der Spiegel last print interview he will do; suggests words werent said

That Thing You Do Movie 3/18-22/96 Soundstage Crew

The one with the black guy and his dog going into the game from the T.V. and the dog

Scene Study/ Technique UCLA Extension

below that: partial lyrics to cool song I dont know the name of from a tape of obscure

Nature Of The Beast Movie 6/2/94 Frisbee Player

Up Close and Personal Movie 5/2/95 SWAT Team

didnt know who the hell I was ;^)!!!

the European championships that year

Deniro and mugged for the camera as much as I could the whole scene.

I was paired with. I knew then I was in the right business

on. Of course all of my friends and family were well informed and I

next to her: my view from my corner desk of the kid in the middle of the classroom who

high-paying commercials now… the ussual joke here in L.A. is Oh,

Weird Science T.V. 7/21-22/94 Coffee Shop Patron

Spy Hard Movie 11/9-10/95 Secret Agent

animal hypnotist is able to see what the cat does- including al the towns other dark

Got paid to dance around with babes on the beach. Yesss…

The Plight of The Beautiful Featured Independent/Nikita Adams

Independence Day Movie 9/13-19/95 Marine

Sister Sister T.V. 10/12-13/95 Beach Bum

Robert Redford must have been in a bad mood. He wasnt very polite. Sad to meet your

movie 24 Hour Party People about the Madchester Club Scene in the early 80s

down and swooping over us at the Star Wars premiere.

The End Movie 10/17/94 Costume Party Goer

Space Jam Movie 8/14-16/95 Pedestrian

General Discussion 1999-2009 archive (read-only)

He initially thought I was Michael Rappaport so he approached me in between takes and thats when I told him I had dated Jennifer and that she says hello. He freaked out and for the rest of the day he folowed me around the set and asked me all about her. He was a cool guy. Sad to read he is gone. Jennifer called me the day it was in the news and here is the story…

thats when I told him I had dated Jennifer and that she says hello. He freaked out and

I Was A Teenage Drug Free American

about these young actresses is all they want to do is flirt and use me for sex- they

Nick Of Time Movie 5/30-6/2/95 Republican

Met Traci Lords. It was her first appearance on the show. I promptly

Chicago Hope T.V. 3/14/95 Lab Assistant

Untitled Talk Show T.V. 8/5/94 Hip Audience Member

Pilot that never aired. The lead was a Jim Morrisson wannabe. We made

Road To Ruin Movie 2/4/96 Night Clubber

Volcano Movie 9/6-10/9/96 Cop/Fire Search Rescue

The assistant director asked me to lean over and kiss the fine girl

bands I also dont know that my friend made for me in 1993

General Discussion archive (read-only)

I played a manipulated introvert in this Twilight Zone-type short film

a cool guy. Sad to read he is now gone. Jennifer called me the day it was in the news…

I sang along with Will Smith to some song by Boyz To Men after we wrapped. Hes cool.

First Elliot Smith, now Jonathan Brandis. Ladybugs was the Goonies of my generation. Hollywood may have lost a heartthrob, but Heaven gained an angel.

Similar Threads – Word Jonathan Brandis

by Moz years before she was even born- and when I was about her age… GAWD the thing

I was an extra on a movie with him in 1995 called The Book… I was a Bus Passenger. Small world. Jonathan Brandis (the star) and I both had dated the same girl (Jennifer D). He dated her when they were twelve- his first girlfrend. He was her first kiss. I dated her when she was eighteen (and I was 23).

Sea Changes Movie 10/28/96 Beach Bum

Dunstin Checks In Movie 6/3/95 Pedestrian

basketball crowd. They did the take 10,000 times as well… Another extra who was an

I didnt want to be the starving artist any more so my office gig is

supposed to look really bad. He smiled and I tried to be polite by

Public Service Announcemnet 8/30/02 High School Student

Independence Day Movie 10/16/95 Officer

Hid my long hair under a helmet. Got busted.

Strays Supporting Malibu Theater/ Rick Johnson

I had a blast doing a grungy version of the skate (Marcia Bradys dance). I had the

Other film credits included the Rodney Dangerfield comedy Ladybugs, and the martial arts comedy Sidekicks with Chuck Norris, and a small part in the 2002 film Harts War, starring Bruce Willis.

Moby Dick Rehearsed Lead Malibu Theater/ John Marzilli

person. I actually liked the show at the time.

at the top middle: my view the cute girl sitting in front of me, when she wasnt busy

I was a Detective trying to solve a murder that a cat witnessed and with the help of an

past. And I hadnt sat in a high school classroom since 1987… and yet everyone there

I played the role of gay clothing designer too well- fortunately I was later able to


The star of the commercial gets a BLOODY NOSE in the middle of class and everyone

Is there a thread for Morrisseys use of other writers words and phrases?

The office of Brandis agent at Innovative Artists refused to comment.

will focus on how using m this Holiday Season will allow you to avoid painfully

He initially thought I was Michael Rappaport so he approached me in between takes and

I had a dual role: policeman and homeless person

guy. If I ever do again I hope he proves them right.

Brandis started his career in commercials and on television, landing a recurring role on the soap One Life to Live at age six. After moving with his family to Los Angeles at age nine, he made guest appearances on such shows as L.A. Law, Whos the Boss? and Murder, She Wrote.

It wasnt anything like the name suggested- I remember that much!

Kodak Commercial 1/29/96 Medical Student


I worked with Mac Davis- the guy who wrote all those songs for Elvis Presley and also

racquetball, weight training, aerobics, dancing, etc… Also

of boxers and a robe. I got the bonus plan. I was known on the set as

type- but they had to add lots of dark make-up because I looked too

was that I was trapped inside trying to get out in the background of

excellent harmonica player and a famous sax player (Dave Koz) played dueling wind

said I LOOKED THE PART… even funnier: we were PASSING NOTES during the whole shoot!!

Commercials and additional film featured list available upon request.

Very cool set. George Clooney was very polite. Way before he got big.

about 100 takes and each one was hilarious!!

convince the hot brunette, Emily, I met on this set that I was strictly heterosexual-

Pepsi/Star Wars Commercial 3/99 T.V. Camera Man

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After waering a rubber Drazi (alien) mask they made me a criminal

took my current Day Job in 1997 and only do lead-roles or

@ Quallcomm Stadium in San Diego to clinch this years SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP beating

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Sunset Park Movie 3/9/95 Basketball Fan

I entertained the cute girl in front of me by writing Morrissey lyrics that were composed

Can i come to your mansion???? man youve done some cool shit. I was supposed to be in a straight to video movie….. I was to play a mailman,but they cnacelled the whole scene.You mustve made quite a bit of wompom off all this???? Whats the most you made doing this stuff(not to be nosey)????. Talk to anyone from any of this stuff still????

The first moment I stepped onto the set I felt at home. I had a great

time. Oh, well.. maybe hes a cool guy.

The Price Of Love T.V. Movie 8/29/95 Gay Porno Star

Police said a friend of Brandis called 911 from the actors apartment just before midnight on Nov. 11 to report Brandis had attempted suicide. Paramedics transported Brandis to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, but he died the next day, police Detective Gene Parshall said.

when they were twelve- his first girlfrend. He was her first kiss. I dated her when she

porno boy and the director had me make eyes at the other actor for

Beverly Hills, 90210 T.V. 3/13/95 Grad Student

The county coroners office is investigating the Nov. 12 death, which was reported by the Los Angeles Police Department as a possible suicide, Lt. Ed Winter of the coroners Investigations Bureau said Thursday.

went to the video store afterward and bought one of her pornos.

Wayward Saints Lead Malibu Theater/ Rick Johnson

that night I went to my friends movie premiere and walked down the

Discussion inGeneral Discussion archive 2003 (read-only)started byNov 26, 2003.

trying to flirt and get down my pants

director in tears laughing at my goofy Seattle moshing.

This one was a doozy The night before I was told I would be playing

remembered it later when I worked on Heat again as a stand-in:

Stuart Smalley Movie 7/8/94 Caf Waiter

I was the visiting husband of a nurse treating a psycho talk-show host

Dixie Supporting Malibu Theater/ Rick Johnson

Saved By The Bell T.V. 11/3-4/94 Skier

starred in North Dallas Forty. Mac was way cool.

pretending to eat the food in front of me for 8 hours…

It is a small world indeed jay. Can you be seen in the movie??????

I got my 2nd and 3rd SAG Vouchers on this show and was then eligable to join the Union.

and then everyone PANICS and the whole office goes into a mad frenzy with people

Maybe This Time T.V. 10/5-6/95 Coffee Shop Patron

The dumbest thing Ive ever seen in my whole life.

was before they were and item. A few months later I was an extra in a re-shoot scene and

Jay: Didnt you kill me last week? Al: Oh, Yeah, I did

Never Released Film B-Movie 8/93? Party Goer

Can you complete the missing words in The Smiths lyrics?

Jeff Goldblum remembered me from September and I had a nice chat with him. Another one of

I played all the small messenger-type roles rolled into one fat part. I also under-


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