Mark Ruffalo Explains Exactly Where His Standalone Hulk Movie Is

Id love to do a Hulk movie, and I think we all would love to do one, Ruffalo began, echoing sentiments that have been expressed many times before. But then he continued with a story about a conversation he and MCU mastermind Kevin Feige had over a year ago, while they were discussing Hulks role in the new Thor movie.

Kevin asked me to come over and have a script meeting, Ruffalo said. And basically he sat me down and he said, What would you like to do if you had a standalone Hulk movie? And I said, Id like to do this, this, and this, and this and this, and then this. And then this, and this, and this, and then it would end like this! And he was like, I love that. Lets do that over the next three movies, starting with Thor 3, carry it out through Avengers 3 and Avengers 4.

And so thats my standalone Hulk movie, Ruffalo concluded. And [Thor Ragnarokdirector Taika Waititi] is going to take all three of those movies and cut it into one movie. And thatll be on the DVD. And me and Taika can own that.

Thats exactly what happened, Feige confirmed during the press conference. Someday a standalone I think would be great, but for the time being, Hulks presence in these movies and, certainly now as Mark has talked about, what were going to be able to do with this character arc over these three movies, is super exciting.

There hasnt been a standalone Hulk movie in almost a decade, despite the characters significant presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hulk actor Mark Ruffalohas never been shyabout commenting on that fact, and he revealed more than ever during a press conference for the upcomingThor Ragnarok.

Ruffalo famously said earlier this year that a standalone Hulk movie will never happen, citing the fact that Universal has the rights [for standalone Hulk movies], and for some reason, they dont know how to play well with Marvel. And, they dont want to make money.

Hulk has his own journey in the MCU.


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