Make Egg Carton Bugs

Make Egg Carton Bugs

And you can also find other great kid ideas on my

4. Let your paint dry. (Please ignore the white tear drop shapes. I was going to turn them into wings, but then used pipe cleaners.)

3. Paint your egg cartons. (We painted next to each other. Chuck is 2 1/2. He painted one whole ant and then some flowers before he got tired of the craft. I didnt mind. I enjoy painting, so I just kept painting the rest.)

5. Use a craft knife to poke holes into your egg carton. Then, string pieces of pipe cleaners through.

I love a good egg carton craft. We dont eat eggs too often here, so whenever we finish a carton, Im always super stoked to make something with it. Todays

animalscardboardCraftsCrapty Fridaysegg cartonpaintingpipe cleanersrecycledspring

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Weaving Cute Baby Turtles Using Gods Eye Weaving Pattern

And heres how we played with them. Yurp. Thats my son using the scorpion to re-enact the killing scene from the movie. (He also then proceeded to sting me and hubby several times, thereby killing us both. Kids are funny…)

1. Cut out your bug bodies (3 piece ant body, 1 piece bee body, and optional 1 piece flower body.)

came about because ants have been on our minds a lot lately. For some reason there seem to be ants EVERYWHERE in our new home. Eeek. Plus, we recently watched Honey I shrunk the kids and Chuck loved Anty the giant ant. So thats why we had to make ourselves some egg carton bugs!

Hyper Colorful Painted Paper Plate Flowers!

Labels:animalscardboardCraftsCrapty Fridaysegg cartonpaintingpipe cleanersrecycledspring


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