List of G-Rated Movies

List of G-Rated Movies

One interesting note about G-rated movies is that they tend to do better at the box-office than PG, PG-13, or R-rated movies. One survey showed that the average G-rated movie makes 11 times the money an average R-rated movie makes. Whats even stranger is that Hollywood makes 12 times the number of R-rated movies than it makes G-rated.

Here is a list of some of our favorite G-rated movies for kids. We also included if the movie was animated and the genre of the movie. We included Pixar, Disney, and Disney Channel in the genre mostly because we made lists of these movies as well.

As a result there arent that many G-rated movies to watch when compared to some of the other ratings. So we thought it would be good to have a list of G-rated movies. Even though there are less of them, there still are a lot of very good G-rated movies available and some of them are all time classics.


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