iDestroy HD – Bug battlefield Destroyer Smash all walking bugs dead! for i

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The iDestroy Experience optimized for your iPad! Non-stop bug killing action with dozens of weapons! The best bug and ant smashing time killing stress relief game! 40 + awesome war and nuclear weapons to choose from! Unlock Free Weapons for sharing your code! Variety of different bug victims to explode,destroy and smash! Insane amounts of blood! with hundreds of bugs on your screen, waiting to be destroyed! Multi Touch screen to gore the hell out of the bugs! Destroy your homescreen and photos! and get that ultimate bug destroy look! WARNING! Horrible content! iDestroy lets you break, kill and make stuff explode on your device! Get rid of your stress now, you know you deserve it!Kill and torture bugs with many different weapons!Be A One Man Army With this app! After a long day I can lay down and blast bugs at the touch of a button. SO entertaining!- Customer Review… worth checking out and showing your friends! – …if youve had a hard day … give this game a whirl! … your stress and anger will disappear and your happinness reappear.- Customer ReviewThe Lite Version of iDestroy: Extinction HD gives you lots of weapons to exact your revenge on the pesky Spiders, Worms and Cockroaches infesting your iPad!* up to 1,000 creatures on screen at once!* HUGE amounts of blood and gore when you kill them* Cut them into pieces with the Giant Buzzsaw!* Burn them with the Flamethrower!* Use photos of your friends and smear them with paintballs – then mail them their photos back, all within the game :)* Let the machinegun rip them into pieces!* damage you do never disappears, it all stays on screen* highly optimized graphics engine for smooth gameplay* load your own photos and destroy them too! DOWNLOAD NOW FOR FREE Shake your device to make the bugs tumble left and right, then let them fall into the gigantic Dual Buzzsaws!Build traps with gasoline, mines, Gun Towers, baits, Laser Fences – there are no limits to your creativity!iDestroy is an epic ant smashing game that relieves stress in no time with its endless gameplay.Kill time by killing bugs with more than 40+ epic weapons for you!Blast Zombies with bombs and torture bugs with awesome war machines!Freeze your pocket bugs and then demolish them with Laser Towers, Buzz-saws, Airstrikes and Energy Shockwaves.Load & Destroy photos of your friends faces!Reload your shotguns, Lay deadly Minefields to kill Flies, Worms, Ladybugs, Spiders & see insane blood & gore effects!Destroy your screen Gag: Shoot holes in your phone and fool others to think its broken!Hunt down Earwigs and show them who is Boss by tapping them to death!In iDestroy you are the ultimate bug killer: Tapping, Smashing, Burning, Freezing and shooting the bloody bugs.Demolish insects in your pocket with crazy and insane weapons of destruction! More than 40 Weapons and 13 types of victims to choose from WEAPONS- Machine Gun- Shotgun- Stones- Grenades- Shrink Ray- Flamethrower- Double Buzzsaws- Quad-Buzzsaws- Freeze Ray- High-Explosive Mines- Nuclear Bombs- Freeze Ray – Insect Spray – Mine – Rotary Saw – Double Rotary Saw – Lighter – Airgun – Hammer – Glass Hammer – Nuclear Bomb – Flamethrower – Grenade – Laser – Laser grenade – Missiles – Dynamite – Fire Grenade – Explosion Bait – Lightning Storm – Cannonballs – Jumping Bomb – Gasoline – Anvil Rain – Plastic Explosive – Nailgun – Minefield Drop – Snow Storm – Shock Wave – Homing Missile – Rocket Hailstorm – Minigun – Minigun Tower – Flamethrower Tower- Tesla Tower- Poisoned Apple VICTIMS – Mosquitos – Flies – Wasps + nests! – Cockroaches – Sowbugs – Ticks – Worms – Spiders- Ants- Waterbugs – Ladybugs

Compatible with iPad. iTunes account required.

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Lights! Camera! Zombies! Zombiewood is an awesome free action shooter game. Survive the zombie apocalypse with thousands of other players!*****…

iDestroy HD – Bug battlefield Destroyer: Smash all walking bugs dead! for iPad


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iDestroy HD – Bug battlefield Destroyer: Smash all walking bugs dead!

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