Cuddle Bug

is noted for its tendency to hug its trainer, though being aBlob Monster, this also leaves said trainercovered in sticky slime.

: This pair of sisters, I swear… They just reeeally love snuggling up to people…

shes a dullahan. Her head can not move on its own so, whether it be with her own body or someone elses, a dullahan always needs to be in contact with someone else and will naturally desire affection.

flustered whenever Komari suddenly tries to hug her.

, Cottontail likes to give a hug, most particularly to Shrew, who cant stand it and repeatedly warns her about the squeezing, but shes too young and innocent to take the hint.

is such a cuddle bug that even after a fight, her disembodied head will come up to you and bounce around happily until you smack it away. Otherwise, she tends to be very huggy around Taiga, who does his best to avoid herattemptsto glomp him.

has a whole species of cuddle bugs: little creatures called Fluffy Snugglers who will snuggle people, animals, even inanimate objects.

gives usJimmy, the overly touchy orderly

For many mammals this usually has more practical applications as opposed to being expressions of affection; baby mammals will often cuddle either with their siblings or their parents to keep warm.

Thegeneration 7mon Bewear is very friendly and prone to giving out, well,bear hugs. Unfortunately, itdoesnt know its own strengthand will often seriously injure the poor object of its affection.

Steven Universesimply loves giving hugs to those he cares about, as does hiscool big sisAmethyst.

is this toward Haruhi… and occasionally his other friends.

is the problem its recipients deal with, not its poisonous nature.

. Grace even more so, but less outstanding, since it was said to be typical for agreater chimeradue to innateempathic ability. Shes like a sleepy little ninja!

are a bit weird, usually in a funny way. When Annie switched toether viewin their company, the whole class started to applaud and welcome her, and then she became the center of an etheric cuddle pile. And enjoyed instantCuteness Overload, unlike meeting people withNo Sense of Personal Spacein the thick material world. Annie herself, under herEmotionless Girlexterior, is an extremely affectionate person who likes to be in near-constant physical contact with the few people shes close to, whenever they are in the same room.

Club are very affectionate. Yui in particular really likes hugging people as you can already tell by looking at the page image with her sister, Ui. Her usual recipient is Azusa, whos often embarrassed when theyre in public. And now that theyre in college, shes found a new unwilling recipient in Akira.

. Shes always trying to hug her friends, which does not go down very well with Mr. Cat whoHates Being Touched.

Some of James Mons have ahabitof doing this to him, which is rather troublesome, considering: Victreebel and Carnivine both chomp on him, Cacnea is a cactus, Chimecho wraps his tail around James face, and Mareanie poisons him.

is very cuddly. When she eventually leaves the hospital, shes so happy that she hugs everyone she comes accross.

Jerry the bear from the Friendly Forest of the Muppet show

loves to snuggle and cuddle up to anyone he meets. Unfortunately, hes covered with dangerous spikes and blades, and has a tendency to forget that. Bonus points for being an actual bug-like Mixel.

, Katie Bowman seems constitutionally incapable of not hugging children. This is meant to demonstrate that shes not the hardened resistance fighter that she imagines herself to be.

, the team investigates an assault where the only witness is an adorable, developmentally-disabled girl who tries to hug almost everyone she meets, including the usually stern Judge Petrovsky.

: Gir gets cuddly and affectionate around other characters, particularly Zim, to his annoyance. Aww, somebody needs a hug!

the Second Doctor and Jamieare this inRose Of Polluxs work.

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gets rather cuddly with Daisy when she tells him shes willing to give him dance lessons (hes a very bad dancer).

: Korosaki Sayoko likes to hug her daughter Asami.

. She snuggles up to Brad whenever she can.

, Karolina is always ready to drape at least one arm over one of her teammates shoulders when theyre having a bad day. Or even when theyre not.

after being in a loveless relationship for several years, he decides to make up on his physical affection deficient with his new lover Apollo.

The Ninth Doctor once declared that hell hug anyone.

is a very stiff and antisocial person, but hes shown to completely melt any time he gets hugged or cuddled. Molly Monday actually invokes this trope and says that Kip is secretely a huge cuddle bug. He denies it completely, of course.

, is extremely affectionate treating hugging as the best way togreet people

After a short time in WWEs NXT,Bayleystarted to develop an urge to hug everyone she met. Normally this is just affection but once the bell rings itll probably lead to a belly to belly suplex.

might be this. One of his attacks is called Huggles, and his line is Hows about a big hug?

Their skinship reaction is usually triggered byMoeandCuteness Proximity. When taken to the extreme, it might result in the person declaringIm Taking Her Home with Me!. CompareNo Sense of Personal Space.

in Japanese) or else her sadness maxes out. Mahiro doesnt seem to care one way or the other, and just accepts it as one of his mothers quirks (and doesnt even mind when she does it in front of company).

Flor de Lotos matches usually consisted of her trying to trick her opponents into dropping their guard, so she couldslip in a friendly hug.

are both very happy to hug people they like.

, especially hens. They can often get cuddly when around people they know particularly well, usually when theyget broody and want to keep their human friend warm.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Despite initially reverting to theNo Hugging, No Kissingrule, the Twelfth Doctor finds himself being hugged by Clara on several occasions, despite his protests. As their relationship evolves into one that is unambiguously more loving (though fandom debates what love means in this context), not only does the Twelfth Doctor begin enjoying her hugs, he becomes something of a cuddle bug himself, surprising her with hugs on occasion.

In New Earth, Ten saves the day by hugging people. In The Impossible Planet, he hugs Zach just for being human and actually

. She usually hits him withThe Glomp, too.

Rei loves hugs, although shes far more likely to ask for them than to give them. While Asuka and Shinji are always happy to oblige, Asuka was a bit annoyed when she came into their room to ask for one at six-thirty in the morning.

is a great hugger, especially in times of strong emotion.

, the first Pokemon in the party will travel free of its pokeball and follow the player character around on-screen, where it can be interacted with. If the Pokemon is fond of you, it will usually show affection by rubbing against or hugging the player.

of things she hasnt hugged yet to make sure she doesnt miss one. This list includes

loves to hug everyone and everything. Shekeeps a list

Chewbacca often gives a bear hug whenever hes showing the love when a pat on the back would suffice.

Elmyra takes this tolethal levelsfor the rest of the

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Physical intimacy is a basic human desire. Humans generally want some degree of physical contact. Then there are those who like it a little too much. These people are the type who like hugging and cuddling people, often deliveringThe Glomp. Combine a Cuddle Bug with a character whoHates Being Touched, and more often than not,Hilarity Ensues.

counts, although hes only like this towards Yuri, and keeps everyone else at a respectable distance.

, owing to her hidden desire for companionship and intimacy. This somewhat mystifies Nav, but hes fairly tolerant of it.

loves to hug her teammates with little to no provocation. Shes also been known to hug near-strangers if she feels they need one. Played for laughs in an episode where everyone is sent to mandatory sexual harassment training and Abby is shocked to find that hugging everyone is against the rules.

Many domesticated animals get this way towards their owners. Cats and dogs are especially well known for this.

, the lonely ghost of a homeless man whod died of exposure roamed around the city trying to hug people.

The Second Doctor and Jamie absolutely love cuddling each other, though itsSecurity Clingas often as everything (and both of them act embarrassed when they realise other people are watching).

loves hugging people, especially Tohru, even though it means hell transform.

manga series bySayuri Tatsuyama. Would always hug each other showing how best of friends they both are. Clover does it more often around Hickory The Flying Squirrel, and Kale and Shallot. Mallow on the other hand starts doing this more often in the last volume after she discovers that Shallot loves her. After she learns that, she gives him a big hug which results in Shallot fainting due to excitement and love.

Asuka loves to cuddle with Shinji, its one of her favorite activities. Even afterLeliel, they spend just as many nights snuggling as they dohaving sex.

: Tama-Chan radiatesCuteness Proximitythat has converted a number of people into Cuddle Bugs.

The Prequels Qui-Gon Jinn is surprisingly touchy-feely for a Jedi Knight. Hes always putting hands on shoulders or bending down to put his face on the same level as whoever hes talking to. People dont seem to mind. Hes played byLiam Neeson, after all.

the hugs. So much so that she tends to be the

As heages older-looking than our protagoniststhey all stop.

Zach for letting him. He probably hugs someone on averageOnce per Episode, considering that the few times he doesnt hug anyone are probably balanced out by the times he hugs basically everyone.

, to contrast with the introverted, misanthropic society she finds herself in, where all contact is carried out throughHard Lightconstructs.

are very hug-prone, which comes off as rather amusing, as theyre remarkably scantily clad.

is this. He loves hugging people, which sometimes leads to those people getting annoyed with him.

. To amusing effect early on when she tries to befriend Rin, who is very shy and becomes

This hints that hes attracted to Yuri in more than just the platonic sense, which Episodes 7 and 10 ultimately confirm

, Kofuko repeatedly pounces and nuzzles Hiyori.

: Eppon as might be expected from a child as young as him. Tash, Zak, and Luke are all happy to oblige.

will portray the group as constantly cuddling each other whenever they can.

While its mostly for warmth, reptiles (especially snakes) enjoy being in close contact with human friends.

is just a big ol cuddle bug… aperpetually shirtless7 foot tall, mountain of muscle cuddle bug. People are understandably hesitant about him being so huggy.

giving and receiving hugs. She takes after her father in this regard; while her mothers Butterfly family are known for stoicism, her fathers Johansen clan are big on public displaces of affection.

is extremely affectionate towards her son Mahiro, claiming that she needs to hug him to recharge her sononium (

is this, even towardsGalactic ConquerorslikeLord Hater.

(at least in the first game) gets like this around Compa, usually when shes sleepy.

: If Mia thinks you need a hug, she will jump over her desk and hug you.

Many monogamous birds species like seabirds and parrots are known to nuzzle and preen each other in ways that look very affectionate.

likes hugging,glomping, and generally hanging on people, with his favorite targets being his best friend Lucciola and Claus.

. Given hisfreakish appearancemassive size, andgeneral inability to function in normal society, most people react with horror, disgust, or both. Until they realize hes entirely innocent and kind-hearted.

series is a massive fan of cuddling but only with her husband Naruto, and to a lesser extent Akitsu. Its later revealed to be in part from spending centuries alone and part from her old habit of sleeping for decades out of boredom.

s Delenn has a habit of taking the arm of her companion as they walk or patting hands – except for Sinclair who she rather pointedly never touches. Since she has more than a passing suspicion who he really is, that is perhaps understandable.

, Kushina has a tendency to exuberantly cuddle Minatos genin when theyre small, particularly Kakashi.

Now in the newest season, we have Ashs Rowlet.

The Smurfsin the episode A Hug For Grouchy, with the exception of Grouchy, whoHates Being Touchedand gets stalked by his fellow Smurfs wanting to give him a hug.

, Skye likes to give hugs or the occasional friendly jab, in no small part because she had an unhappy childhood where she was bounced around from one foster home to another and thus is starved for affection.

Tegus (a species of large lizard) will choose human attention over either food or a heat lamp. Theyre basically scaly cats; many people allow them free roam of their house.

has a habit of glomping everyone hes fond of, regardless of gender. This could be deemed problematic if the person in question has feelings for him (Hancock, were looking at you) and could interpret it the wrong way, as hes verycompassionate to most people hes allianced with and is not treating anyone differently.The fact that hes aRubber Mancapable of stretching out his arms, this trope is extra bold.

Not limited to humans. Many other animal species are known to cuddle, hold, nuzzle or hug each other.

The Eleventh Doctor and Clara were both cuddle bugs, frequently hugging it out on occasion.

Tragically, he didnt realize he was freezing them to death by doing so.

, a literal Cuddle Bug (his altmode is a pillbug).

. Soujirou is this way toward his daughter and younger niece: Konata partly because she greatly resembles his beloved late wife, and Yutaka because… well… shes so cute! One time, Yutakas adult sister Yui (jokingly?) warned him about hugging Yutaka any more than he had to….

, much to his brothers irritation.BIIIIIG HUG!

, one of the ways Veronica Ronnie Weasley (aGender Flipof Ron Weasley) differs from her canon male counterpart is that shes very cuddly and likes to hug her friends.

admits that she really likes when someone holds her head and hugs her, and is upset because her parents stopped doing it when she entered high school. Machi is adullahan, so holding her head is meant literally since it is not actually attached to her body. Her teacher Takahashi theorizes that shes a cuddle bug precisely

Akitsu is likewise very fond of snuggling up to Naruto and/or Xanna whenever she can. A notable example is how happy she is when Xanna wraps most of her tails around her, thinking of it as a super hug.

: Big Hug! (cue hug with weird sound effects)

, who isExactly What It Says on the Tin- an orderly withNo Sense of Personal Spacewho constantly hugs and cuddles everyone.

, particularly towards herDarling ~.

often calls for a Bear hug! and/or simply leaps forward and gives one.

takes this to extraordinary heights.

, who even sends you a coupon for a free hug from her. Likemost of her world, though, shes also a quite a bit more off than most examples.

The Doctors granddaughter, Susan Foreman, often hugged her grandfather and Barbara after being rescued. An example of this is the sixth episode of The Keys of Marinus where she hugs Barbara after helping Ian, and also the Edge of Destruction when the TARDIS is saved from impending doom.

is this to the extent that he trusts other characters based on how well they hug.

, Ord often tends to give Max and Emmy a big hug when they arrive in Dragon Land, much to their chagrin, as hes much bigger than them and tends to squish them a bit.

The Mink tribe is entirely made up of these. They greet each other and show affection by nuzzling or rubbing against each other, much toSanjis delight.

As Amy and Rory near the end of their run, the Eleventh Doctor spends more and more time hugging and kissing them, since he knows theyre thinking about leaving him soon.

Cuddle Bug


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