Comedians Comediennes

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A summary of the interesting career of British comedian, writer, and entertainer, Karl Pilkington.

Although Im not a regularly nationally touring comedian, I won the Jay Leno Comedy Challenge and opened for comedians Drew Carey and Jeff Dunham.

Last year, a dear friend treated my wife and me to a screening of Monty Python and The Holy Grail. I did not realize Cleese was still touring. If you can still catch him, dont miss out.

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When Robin Williams committed suicide he joined a group of funny people whose lives were tortured by mental demons.

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A look at how (deceased) comedian George Carlin unapologetically challenged the status quo, why it mattered, and how it shaped my world view.

There are many good comedians and choosing ten out of them all is not easy. One needs good criteria to maintain standards. The most important criterion for this list is that all comedians chosen practice what I call pure comedy. Many excellent…

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Comedians Comediennes

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Undoubtedly, we all have our lists of bests: best cars, best hotels, best places to live, etc. When it comes to all time best comediennes, Ruth Buzzi is certainly on my top ten list.

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Harry Secombe was a Welsh comedian, actor, and author with a wonderful tenor singing voice. He was a cast member of The Goon Show, a very popular radio comedy.

A list of my favorite stand-up comedians

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This articles suggests a list of the best contemporary female comedians in America. A short biography is provided for each woman, as well as a summary of her achievements and a personal quote.

Dave Chappelle is back doing stand-up comedy! On March 21, 2017, Netflix streamed two new specials!

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74 one-liner jokes that will never go out-of-date! You may remember Rodney Dangerfield the nervous, twitching comic with bulging eyeballs, a trademark red tie he was constantly adjusting, and the…

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Amy Poehler is best known for her comedy work, but shes definitely much more than just a comedian – shes a writer, producer, director, business lady, mother and, definitely, an empowered woman.

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Learn the story of the Marx Brothers.

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The real name of Curly Howard was Lester Horwitz. He was the youngest of the family and determined to follow his brothers into show business. Some consider him the most popular of the Three Stooges.

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3 movies where usually funny actors took a serious role, and blew our minds.

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