Bugs in the Belfry The Crazy Genius of Bug

forget it will be poor Agnes undoing. If love is mad,

future partner in psychosis, Peter (Michael Shannon)

First-person essays, features, interviews and Q&As about life today.

with its unwavering intensity. It will even in moments

the rest of myBugreview at Sunset Gun.

baffle, excite, horrify and anger those who cant stay

provoke titters, purposefully so, which should be

Harry Connick Jr.) and in spite of some of his crazy

honored rather than mocked — obsessioncan

Happily, since yesterday, it has done just that, and

bathroom and sobs. In spite of presenting herself as a

literally) ignited. And of course, its also about

years best movies. Or rather, catch this

if love is crazy, then Agnes and Peter are, as Laura

be very, very funny.Bugis a rare picture

satirical wit. Its nothing like youve ever seen and

and sensitive than her ex-husband (a bullying, abusive

worn out, drug abusing, but still beautiful (in that

leaves her; she closes herself in her seedy motel

Expert analysis and commentary to make sense of todays biggest stories.

And then…he returns and reveals his distinctly

©2018 Oath Inc. All rights reserved.

believe, just so these peoples lives would make the

will meld into this movie — and that only lends to

disease, infected blood and the kind of paranoia that

perfect personal present) I heard jeers, witnessed

that balances realistic, literal psychological horror

can spread like wildfire once the flame is (quite

realizes she might be a alone again. As her newfound

saw something far superior. Too bad so many didnt

so skillfully, artfully executed and so brilliantly

Directed by William Friedkin and adapted from Tracy

screen, nows your chance to catch up on one of this

audiences unfamiliar with the Tracy Letts play it was

re-running my review. If you missed it on the big

swooping down on the pair a laMimic —

movie alone, on my birthday, which was an oddly

Theres a moment inBugduring which I was

Lettss stage play,Bugis a movie that will

with metaphorical meaning with small punches of

the movie left many viewers confused, even angry.

so significantly moved, I almost crumbled in my

special problem. The reunion of these lovers is so

way only certain kinds of damaged women can be)

bugs, aphids to be specific, though theyre not

wantto believe. I certainly wanted to

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after watching the picture for the second time, Im

Bugs in the Belfry: The Crazy Genius of Bug

Bugs in the Belfry The Crazy Genius of Bug

its horror. It is (Im not going to mince words here),

adapted from, thought they were going to see another

Dern stated, wild at heart and weird on top.

theyre horrifyingly in their blood, brain, skin,

weirdly romantic and such a relief, that you almost

simply have to believe. Or rather, we have to

movie and more wide awake fever dream. If you can

acted (especially by Judd ) that the result is less

beyond these lost souls tortured union and into

tough cookie — she needs this guy. Hes a lot smarter

Based on the pictures previews and poster art,

wait for the fascinating freak-out to come out on DVD.

appreciate it. As I sat in the theater (I saw the

teeth and, even more terrifying, we cant see them. We

wanting my money back. I however, couldnt

walk-outs and when the credits rolled, grumblings of

theater seat. It comes when Agnes (Ashley Judd), the

relate to paranoia and desperate love in any way, you

Guess Id rather talk with you about bugs than

So begins their folie deux but one that moves

horror film was currently released. But, nope. They

modern ideas of conspiracies, post war insanity,


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