Bug tracker

Bug tracker

No software project the size and scope of Kodi has any hope of being successful without a bug tracker to keep things organized.Team Kodihas chosentracfor this task because of its feature set, ease of use, flexibility and expandability. Though mainly a tool for developers, there are a few features that the inquisitive user might find interesting as well.

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Thetimelinekeeps a play by play account of every commit to the source tree as well as when each ticket or milestone opens or close. All of you obsessive users wont be able to live without this one.

This page was last edited on 13 May 2015, at 00:39.

Theticket browsergives you access to all tickets, both open and closed. There are several predefined sort methods as well as a plethora of sort criteria to cook your own.

Thesource browserlets developers take a peek under the hood without digging out all of the usual tools. Its especially nice for viewing differences between changesets without fiddling in SCM. Not to mention quickly figure out who to blame for that bug you just fixed.;)

Thebug trackerisnota support channel. The tickets are business-only. Theres no need for me too or bump comments. If you dont have some new technical information on the issue, feel free to CC yourself and keep an eye on it. Maybe you will later.

If you think youve found a bug, but arent a software developer, please follow the guide forreporting problems. This is to cut down on superfluous tickets for issues that can be resolved by some of our friendly users, letting the team focus on confirmed problems.

may require cleanup, updating, spellchecking, reformatting

This one is pretty self explanatory. Make sure to provide as much detail about the issue as possible, fill out the submission fields accurately and follow the guide forsubmitting bugs.

Thebug trackeris an organizational tool for developers used to keep tabs on issues within the project. It provides a one stop shop for all current Kodi activity. Whether youre looking for the latest commit messages, keeping an eye on that pesky bug thats been bothering you in the latest release or just want to get an idea of what the team has planned for the future, the bug tracker is your spot.


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