Bug (Ashley Judd) reviews thread

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Im going to see it in a little bit, actually. Sounds promising.

Dudes, give me a proper spoiler already! I knew it wasnt horror because it mentioned being based on a play. Stop being teases.

I think people expected a bloody torture porn thing. True horror fans, wheher they like this or not, can separate and appreciate when not all horror movies are the same.

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

Yeah, I thought the first half or so was solid. I mean, I cant say I

No, youre not really missing anything. The previews, however, are sort of misrepresentative of the movie. Its based on an off-Broadway play, and is more of a psychological character study than a horror film (although I guess you could say it does have horror elements).

Oh, definitely. Like I said in an earlier post, I didnt really have any expectations. I knew it was directed by William Friedkin and that it was based on a play. Other than that, I had an open mind. For me, it just didnt deliver.

My collection…more than I thought Id ever have! (full collection not yet entered)

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis–vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

You can pick your friends, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant keep your eyes open while youre sneezing. -Weird Al

Saw this tonight. Absolutely not a horror movie in any way, shape or form. It also felt very much like a filmed play, as opposed to an adaptation of the play. I did like the acting. It was good, not great.

I hadnt heard or seen anything on this until the moring paper review. Looks interesting. Im gonna try and check this out next week.

Yeah, that was kinda funny but in keeping with her easily influenced character and her increasing paranioa, it fitted.

it, due to the claustrophobic setting, but I was interested enough to want to know where it was going.

Bug (Ashley Judd) reviews thread…

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

When the credits started to roll, some people in my theatre started to boo. Cant remember the last time that happened. I think they were expecting something more along the lines of Saw.

Dont get me wrong, the Saw movies are total ass.

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

Ashley Judds character is a waitress at a lesbian bar with a convict for a husband and a child who had been kidnapped 9 years prior. She meets a man named Peter who gets close to her, and they sleep together. That night, he feels a bug bite him. The bug is so small that at first Judd cant see it, but he convinces her that its there. Very soon, they both believe the apartment is swarming with bugs, and they start exhibiting open sores on their body. Soon after that, the entire apartment is covered in tin foil and both of them have gone completely batshit. A doctor comes in and convinces Judd to give up Peter. Peter then comes out and stabs the doctor, claiming hes a robot. The insanity escalates and the film ends with Judd and Peter burning themselves alive. The entire time, its quite clear that Peter is a paranoid schizophrenic and Judd is so desperate for human contact that she buys into his paranoia hook, line, and sinker.

Suprmallet, its interesting if anything. Youre a reviewer so I know youll be able to digest this easier than average joe.

EDIT: I was pleasantly surprised that it didnt go the cliche horror route I thought it would. I suppose if I knew it was based on a play I wouldnt have anticipated that….Im not sure.

Also, since I didnt really know that much about it before going in, I was anticipating one of those rare instances where a film comes along and genuinely surprises you.

Oddly, I actually enjoyed the movie up until the main premise kicks in. For me it all took a huge nosedive once the weird/horror aspects come in, and I LOVE horror movies. But in this case I found the first half to be an interesting quirky character piece, and in the second half it devolved into this bizarre campy mess. I did appreciate some of the Ashley Judd visuals, though.

I would have enjoyed it more had there been at least some suggestion that maybe it wasnt just a delusion. Obviously in a play setting it wouldnt be as clear, but on film, its obvious that there are no bugs. Oh well.

The wife and I saw it last night. While I love Ashley Judd (and quite frankly, who doesnt?

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

Location: Muncie, IN [Member formerly known as abrg923]

Stop supporting the tools of imperialism and dirty capitalistsAbolish the police, abolish the military!

It did suffer from some slow moving moments and it shouldve cut maybe 5-10 out of the middle to get to that ending. If you can stay with it somewhat, I really think it was a nice quiet horror film.

Yeah, I thought this was awful. The reviews on metacritic were mixed, but Im surprised they were that good.

I was curious, b/c many reviews have said this is one of the better Friedkin movies in years and the premise sounded interesting. The acting is really good, the direction is sure, and that last 30mins was really great and crazy.

The bit where Ashley Judd was yelling, I am the super queen bug mother! at the end….I just felt so embarrassed for her.

I was curious about this from the ads, which tell you almost nothing. Glad to hear its worth seeing. Ill try and catch it.

I saw this too, and while there was no booing, there were some what?s and oh mans, myself being in the what crowd…saying Wait a minute….what?!?

Stop supporting the tools of imperialism and dirty capitalistsAbolish the police, abolish the military!

The previews make this movie look like a corny B-horror film. Am I missing something?

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

Just in case the 5 people that didnt see PotC: AWE or had the extras time/cash to see another this w/e.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis–vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Suprmallet, its interesting if anything. Youre a reviewer so I know youll be able to digest this easier than average joe.

Location: Formerly known as Jeffy Pop/Denver

It was just a couple people, but that seemed to echo the sentiment of the crowd I saw it with.

) and thought the other actors did a tremendous job, I should have waited for the dvd. There were a couple of intense scenes, but I found myself laughing at the action going on more often than not.

The acting was actually really good. Its just a shame to see talented people give such go for broke performances for material that is so obviously lacking.

Last edited by harpo787; 05-28-07 at

I think people expected a bloody torture porn thing. True horror fans, wheher they like this or not, can separate and appreciate when not all horror movies are the same.

I did enjoy it enough though to not get that sensation of Never mind the money, I want that time of my life back.

Stop supporting the tools of imperialism and dirty capitalistsAbolish the police, abolish the military!

I know Friedkin was trying to create a paranoid feeling but if the script (based on a play) was a little more clearer on its subtext then it would truely work.

Bug (Ashley Judd) reviews thread


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