Bed Bug K-9s Services

Bed Bug K-9s Services

there through all aspects of the program. The Bed Bug K-9s team helped with

personalized experience that fit perfectly for our company. I would recommend

Bed bug canine inspection teams serving the greater Los Angeles area, Bay Area and Las Vegas.

Assisted Bed Bug Inspection program, I wanted to find someone that would be

Sleep tight dont let the bed bugs biteused to be just an old saying but not now it has some validity.  Bed bugs are back and people are finding them in houses, apartments, hotels, dorms, cruise ships, hospitals, libraries and movie theaters even buses!

Dogs have been working for years detecting narcotics, explosives, missing persons, termites and produce to name a few.  We know, as trainers, if it has a scent a dog can be taught to find it!   A pest control professional has to use their eyes to find bed bugs which means in some cases they have to pull a room apart. A dog can search many areas without disturbing anything and pin point a scent.  There is no true way to measure the dogs accuracy percentage verses a human but the dog has no hidden agenda nor any preconceived thoughts of where the bug could or could not be. Our dogs have 100s of hours of positive reinforcement training finding live bed bugs. They have learned that finding the scent of viable eggs, nymphs and adult bugs equals something  good for them in the way of a toy or food.Our dogsare happy, healthy, high drive canines!

When I was given the task of finding a dog provider for our nation wide K9

and continuing education. Stephanie and the team were able to provide us with a

Bed Bug K-9s to anyone looking for a dog provider.

everything from the training of the dogs, handler interviews, handler training


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