A Monster in Paris The Story of Giant Bug

A Monster in Paris The Story of Giant Bug

The movie with original title Un Monstre a Paris is ensured to be able to entertain all backgrounds and ages. Even though A Monster in Paris is animation movie, but the story is available to be enjoyed by adults. Entirely, this movie is family show with fresh story and themed honesty and poke human characteristic.

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Due to chemical accident in laboratory, a bug suddenly changes to be a horrible monster and haunting Paris residents, France. Raoul (Adam Goldberg) and Emile (Jay Harrington) feel responsible on this accident and try to hunt the monster.

One of city officials of Paris, commissioner Maynott (Danny Huston) was exploiting that tense situation for stealing public attention in order to be elected as mayor. Along with the adjutant, Pate (Bob Balaban), the two collect a power to kill the monster for increasing the prestige when Paris mayoral election campaign.

Unexpectedly, the big bug turns has incredible artistry and to be able to be star on Rare Bird cabaret for a duet with Lucille (Vanessa Paradis). Since that time, Raoul, Emile and Lucille have realized that the monster named Francoeur (Sean Lennon) has not any wicked will.

The problem arises when Maynott, Pate and local policemen try to kill Francoeur by all means. Raoul and Emile who want to catch the monster beforehand, now just try to save the monster to re-form to the previously.

The story sets in 1910 perform classical pictures which do not lessen the beautiful impression of Paris at all. Besides, performing funny characters, the movie also inserts musical unsure which could be seen when Lucille and Francoeur join for singing talent and wily guitar playing. The sense of romantic owned by Paris is still performed in this romantic story between Emile and Maude (Madeline Zima).

A monster in Paris try to remind the viewer how human sometimes forget their humanity when pursuit of ambition. It is described by the character of a kind Francoeur versus Maynott, elite level of human who is very selfish and assumes that other people are low.


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