25 Successful Actors Who Aren

Adrien Brody is absolutely one of the most gorgeous men Ive ever seen. I cant actually believe hes in this article.

Seth Rogen, Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn are not ugly to me

I would add Gene Hackman to this list. While Gene isnt particularly attractive to me he has portrayed some characters that I find kind of sexy. He is with out a doubt one of the finest actors of our time and to ever grace the big screen. He can do comedy, drama, action, you name hes done it and done it well. I mean really, outside of maybe The Royal Tenenbaums, can you name a BAD Gene Hackman movie?

Half of them are, or were, incredible actors. Especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Sean Penn,C. Walken, Paul Giamatti, J. Nicholson, M. Rourke, Steve Buscemi, B.Murray and Adrian Brody. Hoffman was great in almost everything he did. Sean Penn was fantastic in Mystic River among many more. Paul Giamatti is great in most of his films, absolutely loved his character in Private Parts. Jack was great in so many; One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Shining, As Good As It Gets, About Schmidt, The Departed and in Batman as the Joker. I always would see Buscemi playing smaller roles in films like, Wedding Singer, Trees Lounge, Mr. Deeds, Fargo, Con Air, Big Daddy, Billy Bathgate, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Armageddon, 28 Days and countless appearances on T.V. shows. But his acting chops came to the forefront in his role as Enoch Nucky Thompson in Boardwalk Empire.

Um Seth Rogan is super hot!! I have always had a crush on him.

Funny how its pretty easy to come up with 25 not-very-attractive male actors, but not so much if you try to come up with 25 plain female actors. I know there are some, but most women who make it to the big or small screen are way prettier than average.

Im sorry but calling Steve Buscemi and DJ Qualls not very attractive is a complimentpoor guys

He has directed films such as Lonesome Jim and Interview, as well as episodes for television shows such as Oz, 30 Rock, and even 4 episodes of The Sopranos.

Oh come on, how is John Goodman not handsome? Really?!

Your comment makes no sense. There are plenty of unattractive women in hollywood that are successful. Look at Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, or Amy Schumer to name a few that arent only fat but ugly as well. Most of those male actors that arent young is because theyve been in the business their entire life. People age, but if theyre good at their job theyll keep getting work.

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I love Steve!! I find him very handsome!! I love all the characters he has played! Very talented!! This is guy is gorgeous!!!

Corrections about Jack Nicholson Oscars: he won 2 Best Actor awards for One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and As Good As It Gets (not About Schmidt) and one Best Supporting Actor (Terms of Endearment)

Hollywood leading men are generally expected to be tall, handsome, and fit. Brad Pitt, for example, captures the essence of what many people consider a successful actor to be.

also christopher walken was attractive when he was younger

25 Successful Actors Who Aren

This list fails to mention William Devane, one of the wealthiest and most talented actors Hollywood has to offer.

Theyre not known for being actors, but each has acted in some films, but both Oprah Winfred and Howard Stern are two celebrities that really just appeal to one gender for the most part (Oprah-women, Stern-men) but since they bring in so many viewers or listeners of their own gender they are successful despite having almost no one of the opposite gender paying attention to them.

I think one thing you have to remember though is that some of these actors are successful despite not attracting a female audience to their movies. Take John C. Reilly for instance. Hes in a lot of movies that guys really like that women really arent into (Step Brothers, Walk the Line, Talledega Nights, etc.) but if you get a big enough portion of one gender coming to your movie it will do well.

How can you say Joe Pesci is not cute as a button?!

Yeah Adrian Brody is NOT unattractive in any way. I think hes sexy.

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I know a few women who think Adrien Brody is legitimately good-looking and I cannot disagree with that.

You forgot to add Matt Deman and Mark Wahlberg to the list. Ugly but successful

For me acting ability always wins out over appearance. Be it a male or female actor. Ive seen so many great actors passed over for the Barbie and Ken type actors most people.

Since he started playing the role of Enoch Nucky Thompson on the hit cable drama, Buscemi has won Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild awards as well as being nominated for a Primetime Emmy.

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I am sorry I even indulged a few pages into this.

The majority of the actors I havent mentioned are either completely hilarious or have carved out that niche character for themselves that they play in every movie, like Samuel Jackson.

OMG Christopher Walken is so hot to me. LOL I never thought he was ugly.

The only thing that distinguishes these men as a group is that they do not conform to the Hollywood movie star stereotype, but thats just it. Its a stereotype. Otherwise, they resemble normal everyday men from all walks of life like the guy that lives next door. They seem to have done just fine in the movies.

Apart from his extensive acting record, Buscemi has also worked as a director and a writer on various film and television projects.

Danny Trejo??? Why is he not on this list?

A Hollywood mainstay for nearly 30 years, Steve Buscemi is famous for playing oddballs, creeps, gangsters and other colorful characters.

Spot onif you ask me. It also explains Hollywoods sexism. It is acceptable for a male to be unattractive, yet, be a major star in Hollywood. Nor is it required for him to be young. This is not true for women.

But the following 10 actors prove that good looks arent all it takes to make it big. These men, while not conventionally good-looking, are among the most successful actors in Hollywood.

Where are the ugly women? And by the standards of this article that includes Ellen and almost all female comedians.

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Maybe its because Im also a bit of a doughy schlub, but I dont really see how Seth Rogen fits on this list. Theres really nothing wrong with his face just his image.

A final fun fact have you ever wondered how this actors last name is actually supposed to be pronounced? Well, Buscemi himself admitted that he has been pronouncing his own name wrong his entire life. The correct Italian pronunciation should be Bu-shehmy, but Steve and all of his fans have always said it as Bu-semmy.

i disagree with this slideshow. not because i find any of the dudes attractive but these posts are awfully subjective and irrational. yeah, theyre successful actors but wtf is attractive? it has a lot of meanings. and just because theres like one or two attributes in a person that they cant change doesnt mean theyre unattractive. Not all guys can look as beautiful as women, especially if theyre not dolling themselves up. Theres a line between artificial beauty and the real damn thing. Let use this same Slideshow idea and use it to debunk attractive actresses.

becouse maybe for you he is ? This article is only subjective.

Now name 25 women actresses who are not very attractive, or normal looking. They dont exist.

Buscemi has usually played supporting roles such as his memorable turns in The Big Lebowski and Reservoir Dogs as well as a recurring role on The Sopranos. Recently hes moved into the lead in recent years with HBOs gangster drama, Boardwalk Empire.

Mickey Rourke may not be handsome now, but previously he was good looking. Also, what about Johnny Depp? That guys as ugly as they come by now.

Ron Perlman is fucking hot. Hot as hell. I met him in 2013 and I nearly creamed my shorts. The author of this is blind. Joe Pesci was pretty good-looking too.

How is it that, feature by feature, Benicio del Toro looks nearly identical to Brad Pitt and yet the overall impression is so much less appealing?

Benicio Del Toro is one sexy mofo! One thing that makes him so attractive, is his willingness to be ugly (Fear and Loathing for authenticity. But other than that.those lips, those eyes, maybe Im in the minority- I love his dark, swarthy look.

Not all these guys are ugly, Jack Nicholson is just old and pegged as the crazed guy type .

NONE of these people are ugly. Id like to see your list of beautiful male actors all Ken dolls, with no mystery or character in those uninspiring faces full of stuble to mask their feminine subtleties.

I never thought Phillip Seymour Hoffman was ugly. I always thought he was a cutie.


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