14 Forgotten Disney Channel Original Movies You Need To Rewatch ASAP

Andy Lawrencedid a kind of parent-trap thing, playing dual roles in this DCOM. When Will Browning (Lawrence) accidentally cloned himself as a genius, he used his clone, nicknamed Twoie, to pass his classes in school. Of course, rogue scientists tried to kidnap Twoie, but everyone lived happily ever after, since this is a family movie.

We previously published a list ofDCOMs you probably forgot about, but now were adding even more thatll have you going, OMG, I totally remember watching that!

other DCOMs than Halloweentown, you know.

Tahj MowryandShia LaBeoufbutt heads over a dog in this forgotten gem. Jay Martin (Mowry) accidentally ended up taking Ronny Van Dusens (LaBeouf) dog Camille, who soon went INSANE after not getting her medication. Jay and his brother Mike (Craig Kirkwood) tried to figure out how to return the prized show dog back to her owner. Also, LaBeouf played a little terror who was irritating AF.

Starring a youngFrankie Muniz, this movie told the real-life story ofJustin Yoder, a wheelchair-bound boy who competed in a soapbox derby race. One particularly interesting aspect of this DCOM was Justin regularly spoke to God (Tuc Watkins), who manifested himself as the famous racer Bobby Wade.

OK, I doubt you forgot about this DCOM, since starTaylor Ballwas such a teenage hottie. Ball played Eddie Ogden, a baseball player who discovered he loved to cook. He enrolled in a home economics class in school and tried his best to balance his games with preparation for a cooking competition. But when he realized both big events are (of course) at the same time, he was forced to choose. Oh, and there were TWO food fights in the movie, because Disney.

Tahj Mowry andRaquel Leeplayed siblings whose scientist parents accidentally made themselves age backwards. Yes, its likeThe Curious Case of Benjamin Button. If Eddie (Mowry) and Marie (Lee) werent able get their parents back to normal before they ran out of time, their parents wouldve cease to exist just POOFED into thin air.

Four years before the world metThe Incredibles, people were introduced to the Marshalls, a family of superheroes. Well, except for middle child Scott (Michael J. Pagan), who was born *gasp* normal. When a company known as Earth Protectors tried to use mind control to get people to commit crimes, Scott and his superhero family stepped in to stop them.EntouragestarKevin Connellyplayed the villain, which was just all kinds of awesome.

Yes, this was an actual title of a DCOM. When her mother remarried, Megan (Courtnee Draper) discovered her stepfather and stepsister were both aliens. (The movies called Stepsister from PlanetWeird, not Stepsister from PlanetNormal.) Oh, and all the aliens transformed into giant ga搜索引擎优化us bubbles floating around, because why not?

Poppi MonroeandAnnie McElwainplayed real-life twinsHeather and Heidi Burge. The girls were forced to play on their schools basketball team by their overbearing father (Nick Searcy), and they quickly learned what it meant to be a part of a hard-working team. They eventually both joined the WNBA. Fun fact: The actresses actually werent twins IRL, according toIMDb.

One of the things I looked forward to every month growing up was the new Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) that would air. I feel like many of those classics fell through the cracks, being overlooked for bigger hits, such as,Zenon: Girl of the 21st CenturySmart HouseandHigh School Musical. Sure, I watched those 100+ times each, but Ialsowatched other DCOMs just as much.

Two years afterHalloweentownpremiered,Kimberly J. Brownstarred as a girl who unexpectedly got FIVE younger siblings. She went from being the center of her parents universe to being a fleeting memory, hiding in the background. Browns character also broke the fourth wall during the film, talking directly to the audience.

This was one of the best DCOM Halloween movies, IMO. After their grandfathers spirit was captured by the evil ghost Zachariah Kull, two kids enlisted the help of three eccentric ghosts, known as the Soul Patrol, to help set their grandfather free. Its basicallyGhostbustersfor kids, and featured a youngKat Dennings.

Camilla Belleplayed Sydney Miller, a girl who returned to Hawaii to reconnect with her past and save her homeland. Oh, and surf. All the time.

This DCOM focused on teen Danny Sinclair (Johnny Pacar), who actually possessed magical powers. After discovering his talent, sorcerer Max (Frank Langella) tried to murder Danny like he did his old mentor. The storyline is pretty dark, TBH.Phil of the FuturestarAly Michalkaplayed the female lead.

This movie was a type of pre-Shes the Man, relaying the vital message girls can be just as badass as boys. After her twin brother hurt his knee, sister Andy (Alana Austin) cut her hair and pretended to be him, proving to her father (and herself, because Disneys all about combating inner turmoil) she was a good enough motocross racer to compete with the boys. Oh, and many girls sexual awakenings probably occurred thanks to Hottie McHottersonRiley Smith(far left), who played dreamboat racer Dean Talon.

Featuring a youngKaley CuocofromThe Big Bang Theory, this movie followed the exploits of a group of rag-tag school outsiders who competed in a bowling competition. There was an~extremely~ intense scenewhere a girl managed to get an impossible spare on a 7/10 split. Oh, andRobert RichardfromCousin Skeeterco-stars, because nostalgia.

14 Forgotten Disney Channel Original Movies You Need To Rewatch ASAP


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