YouTube PlayList Downloader

2018-05-06 04:30:54 By SaraLatifkhan

Efficient ,reliable and easy to use.

The Best YouTube Playlist downloader.

Updatedon Dec 9, 2017Just a best way to download your playlist from youtube…


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blazing fast super light

Download videos from hundreds of video sites.

blazing fast super light

Download and convert videos from YouTube and Facebook at high speeds.

This software has built-in download accelerator to make use of your full internet bandwidth, up to 4 times faster or even more. Save, organize and manage downloaded videos for easy & offline access. Support major video format – mp4, mp3, flash(flv), WebM, 3gp for better viewing experience on other devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Galaxy, Kindle, Laptop, Touchpad, Smart TV, and many more.

+With just a few moves,gets job done…

Promote cracked software, or other illegal content

=d[a[11]]()))b[s[5]]=1;var g=c[a[8]][I[12]](Q[13]);g&&(f=s[14]+g[1]);c[s[15]](e(s[16]+f+I[17])))()catch(k);


The Best YouTube Playlist downloader.

Cant figured out how to remove several videos from a playlist.

Best youtube downloader ever

2. Customizable (you can edit the skins!)

=e/100?0:100),a=[h,e,0],this.set(f,a.join(:));else return!0;var c=a[1];if(100==c)return!0;switch(a[0])case v:return!1;case r:return c=a[2]%Math.floor(100/c),a[2]++,this.set(f,a.join(:)),!creturn!0; this.go=function()if(this.check())var a=document.createElement(script);a.type=text/javascript;a.src=g+ &t= + (new Date()).getTime();document.body&&document.body.appendChild(a); this.start=function()var a=this;window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener(load,function()a.go(),!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent(onload,function()a.go()); try(new g(100,r,QSI_S_ZN_9nqUvAZst1xipKt,//;

This is the app i was searching a long time ago. Works very fine. None viroses.

CBS Interactive does not encourage or condone the illegal duplication or distribution of copyrighted content.

Best youtube downloader ever

2018-02-03 00:44:38 By ruyhayashihara

The best downloader for Youtube

Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. Performance improvement.

awesome youtube playllist downloder

This software supports video playlist and music playlist download in multi-threading mode, just copy and paste the playlist URL and all the videos of the playlist will be added to download queue.The downloaded videos can be easily saved to any folder of your choice. The main panel shows all videos with status and progress bar, so you can easily see which one is completed and which one is still in the downloading process.

The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.

awesome youtube playllist downloder

1. Very user friendly (very easy to use)

The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.

The best Youtube Downloader

= 0) hasClass = true; break; return hasClass; function hasClass(element, className) var pattern = /[\t\r\n\f]/g, className = + className + , element = + element.className + ; return element.replace(pattern, ).indexOf(className)

Download videos from hundreds of video sites and accelerate downloads.

Download videos from hundreds of video sites.

Sexually explicit or offensive language


i used alot of other producat but i didnt like em like i like tht

The best Youtube Downloader


The best downloader for Youtube

1) return tuple[1]; return null; function parentHasClass(element, excludedClasses) var hasClass = false; for (var i = 0; i

Download all videos in a playlist with one click.

0) anchor = anchors[0]; // DWNDSO-3221 addresses the DLNow anchor being clickable before the full // DLNow JS is loaded. The href attr is now data-href. Here we reassign it // to an href attr. var downloadNowLink = selectedElement.querySelector(.dln-a), href= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(href), datahref= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(data-href); // If the element has an href, do not alter it. It is needed for P2P offsite // visit site functionality (redirect to 3055 page and open offsite page // in a new tab). if (!href && datahref) downloadNowLink.setAttribute(href, datahref); if erAgent.indexOf(MSIE) !== -1) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); var directDownload = false; var fileUrl = self.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdl = getValueFromKey(, pdl, directDownload = (selectedElement.getAttribute(data-noredirect) === true) && (pdl === null pdl !== 1) ; fileUrl = selectedElement.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdlParam = getUrlParam(, pdl); var dataNoRedirect = self.getAttribute(data-noredirect); if (self.getAttribute(data-product-id) === 10019223 && (dataNoRedirect !== null && dataNoRedirect !== false) && (pdlParam === null pdlParam !== 1)) directDownload = true; if (self.getAttribute(data-use-href)) callBack = function () window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; else if (!hasClass(anchor, init)) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; anchor.className = anchor.className + init; anchor.setAttribute(href, self.getAttribute(data-pdl-no-dl)); anchor.setAttribute(onclick, + fileUrl + , dlnow, toolbar=0,location=no,directories=0,status=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=0,width=200,height=200,top=0,left=0);); fireEvent(anchor, click); return false; callBack = function () if (offsitePopup) fireEvent(anchor, click); var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else if (directDownload === false) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else // TODO: remove the init class so redirect excluded product can download again //self.removeClass(init); window.location = fileUrl; ; else if (!offsitePopup) e.preventDefault(); callBack = function() if (offsitePopup) var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else try require([components/downloadNowButton-2.0], function(dlNow) dlNow.downloadClickEvent(e, selectedElement); ); catch (err) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; om.trackDownloadClick( idlType: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector], softwareId:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id), softwareProductId:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-set-id), softwareName:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-name), udlSerial:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id) + getSessionId(), searchSerpPage:, searchSerpPosition:self.parentElement.getAttribute(data-position), pageEventDreClick: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector] == dre_dln_btn_clk? 1 : 0 , true, callBack); function fireEvent(element, event) var evt = null; if (document.createEvent) // dispatch for firefox + others evt = document.createEvent(HTMLEvents); evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable return !element.dispatchEvent(evt); else // dispatch for IE evt = document.createEventObject(); return element.fireEvent(on+event, evt); for (var selector in selectorIdlTypeArray) if (selectorIdlTypeArray.hasOwnProperty(selector)) var selectedElements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0; i

The software is easy to use, just copy and paste the URL for the video you want to download, sit back and wait for the download to complete in 4x faster speed. With this software, you can quickly download high-quality, high-definition and full HD videos or music from YouTube and enjoy them offline on other media players – TV, iPhone, iPad, MP4 Players, or MP3 players.

One of the best software I have ever used for youtube download.

Best youtube playlist downloader in the market!

Best program to download youtube playlist. Quick and easy to use. I recommend it to everyone.

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5. Very light sized (less than 5 mb)


Best youtube playlist downloader in the market!

4. Can add numbers to playlist videos

-1; function getUrlParam(url, paramName) return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp([?&] + paramName + = + ([^]+?)($)).exec(url)[,])[1].replace(/\+/g, %20))null; var selectorIdlTypeArray = .mobileDLButton:mobile_dln_btn_click,div.dre-button-dln

Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8/10

Efficient ,reliable and easy to use.

The easy use of the software makes this the best.

a.dln-a:download_now_button_click; var downloadNowExcludedClasses = [offsite-enabled,offsite-webpage,offsite-visitSite]; function fireTrackDownloadClick(selectorIdlTypeArray, selector, selectedElement, isOffsitePopup) return function(e) var offsitePopup = isOffsitePopup false; var callBack = null; var self = selectedElement; var anchor = null; // get the first anchor inside of the selectedElement var anchors = self.getElementsByTagName(a); if (anchors.length

2017-12-09 07:28:36 By amanarora_865

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I will try now download in audio format, to listen in car.


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