Review of Bug (2006) by Arash B

English:Review of Bug (2006) by Arash B

Its probably just as well that last-minute dropouts Kim Basinger or Madonna didnt take the title role, as the presence of a star lurking

Review of Bug (2006) by Arash B

© 2018 Cinafilm Internet Productions

The performances are excellent. William Friedkins trademark ease- inducing presence shows in the lead actors total unhinged lunacy in the final act; it takes a special working environment to unwind so completely.

Its likely to polarise audiences, but I found it a powerful, taut film that compels and disgusts you.

Cinafilm IP, Office 12693, PO Box 15113, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 2NJ, United Kingdom

ByEdward Guthmann(245)forSan Francisco Chronicle(4,921)on 30 Dec 2016

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If you ask me, William Friedkin is a criminally overlooked director and even when his name comes up, its often related to The Exorcist

ByVariety Staff(871)forVariety(8,266)on 08 Feb 2008

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The film is a disturbing look at total madness and paranoia, a look at how the disillusioned reason with themselves until they are driven to total and utter insanity. The final thirty minutes of this film are truly captivating, I was so engrossed by the intensity that it had ended before I knew it. Its rare that a film set in such a confined environment can be so gripping. One problem I had with the film was the rate at which Agnes is indoctrinated by Peter; its slightly implausible considering that she seems to be a rational, measured woman.

Craptastic and worth viewing (a) for Linda Blairs hideous perm and (b) with the right group of people. Thank you, right group of people

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I was expecting to like this, the concept is incredibly unnerving. However, I found the idea of it more disturbing than its execution

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Review ofStranger in Our House (1978)

This review ofBug (2006)was written byArash Bon 02 December 2012.

Odd. Disturbing. But good. This is some really good acting by both leads in my opinion. I think you either really like this one, or hate it

Bug concerns Agnes White (Ashley Judd), a lonely woman living in a motel room who meets Peter Evans (Michael Shannon), an unnerving but apparently good willed war veteran. However Peter soon has explosions of mania, claiming conspiracy and evil government corruption.

Español:Crtica de Bug (2006) por Arash B

Deutsch:Bewertung zu Bug (2006) von Arash B

Français:Critique de Bug (2006) par Arash B


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